We are an industry led academic institution offering specialized education, training, research and best practice guidance in real estate, construction and infrastructure.
Experience an education that equips you with practical skills, exposes you to global ideas, and prepares you for the future.
Creating magical moments for students on campus and building stronger ties with industry.
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Every semester, faculty from global schools come on campus to teach our students specific modules out of the curriculum. This helps the students develop global perspectives on local concepts and imbibe global best practices as followed in different regions. All in all it helps them to develop as an all rounded global professional.
Professional Fellow Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy National University of Singapore
Associate Professor School of Property, Construction and Project Management RMIT University, Australia
Clinical Assistant Professor Assistant Director, Programs in Real Estate Development School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation University of Maryland, USA
Associate Professor and Director Community Planning Program (MCP) Department of Political Science Auburn University, USA
Associate Professor and Director LIED Institute of Real Estate Studies Lee Business School University of Las Vegas, USA
Professor of Sustainability and Process Management College International Director University of Salford, UK
Associate Professor Associate Department Head - Construction Science College of Architecture Texas A&M University, USA
Global Director of Valuation Member, Standards Review Board – International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC)
Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor, International and Head - School of Property, Construction and Project Management RMIT University, USA
Professor and Head - Division of Construction Engineering and Management Professor of Civil Engineering Purdue University, USA