We are an industry led academic institution offering specialized education, training, research and best practice guidance in real estate, construction and infrastructure.
Experience an education that equips you with practical skills, exposes you to global ideas, and prepares you for the future.
Creating magical moments for students on campus and building stronger ties with industry.
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Noida: 10942
Graduation (min 50%)
Introduction to Real Estate and Urban Infrastructure
Building Services for Facility Managers
Accounting and Financial Management for Built Environment
Strategic Facilities Management for Built Environment Sector
Sustainable Practices in Built Environment
Fundamentals of Management Science
Human Resource Management for Built Environment Sector
Business Communication for Built Environment Sector
Foreign Language 1
Advanced Building Services Management
Data Analytics for Built Environment
Corporate Real Estate for Built Environment
Project Management for Built Environment Sector
Principles of Asset Valuation
Professional Ethics and Leadership for Built Environment Sector
Organization Behavior for Built Environment
Foreign Language 2
Summer Internship (NTCC)
¬ Keep the building complex in its top performance efficiency.
¬ Undertake the preventive maintenance for building and services.
¬ Manage the employee expectations and their well being from facilities management perspective.
¬ Manage logistics operation of large companies/IT firms.
¬ Organize events and engagement programme for employers.
INR 4,20,000/-
Program Leader, MBA Real Estate and Urban Infrastructure, RICS School of Built Environment, Amity University, Noida