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19 June 2020
When the world is talking about Covid-19 challenges and its impact on the Education sector and the definition of new normal, RICS School of Built Environment was able to achieve one more milestone. Final year students of MBA in Real Estate & Urban Infrastructure from RICS School of Built Environment, Amity University, Mumbai recently completed their External Jury for the course Real Estate Case studies taught jointly by Prof. Amol Shimpi and Prof. Shekhar Nagargoje.
We would like to thank the external Jury member Ar. Sameer Gholve, Founding Partner at Primary Housing Corporation Pune for his time and valuable insights for 2 full days. Ar. Sameer Gholve has worked in all quadrants of Real Estate business, starting his career with JLL Capital markets, then to Real Estate Development and now as an Investor. He was very happy to see the work of RICS SBE students and said they are industry-ready and organizations would gain high value on hiring these students. He gave many business insights and a deeper understanding of business strategy and decision making. He also emphasized on the RICS value system and importance of ethics in business and said his organization Primary Housing Corporation is based on the foundation of professional, transparent and ethical business practice and we aim to grow larger without compromising these values.
The session was successful as the the students were all praised for their academic rigour from Industry leaders.